Fabric commands
run - run a command on a remote host
sudo - run a sudoed command on a remote host
local - run a command on the local host
get/put - copy a file from/to a remote host
prompt - ask the user for information*
Execute commands
get output and return code
output = run("command")
chain commands
run("workon project && git pull origin master")
start pseudo-daemons
run("screen -d -m not-a-daemon")
any return code except() is treated as an error and an exception is
thrown(unless warn_only is set)
Move files
Put a file(upload)
put("local-file", "remote-file", mode=0755)
Get a file(download):
get("remote-file", "local-file")
if a problem occurs while uploading or downloading files, fabric throws an exception
Ask questions
relase_name = prompt("What do you want to name the new release?: ", validate="^[a-zA-Z0-9] + $")
proxy_port_number = prompt("Proxy port: ", validate=int)
username = prompt("Username: ", default="jack")
Keeping state(sort of)
with cd("xmpp/"):
run("git clone git://git/something.git")
run("mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages somthing")
For those running from trunk
with prefix("workon something"):
run("pip install xx>=1.1")
Append text to files
from fabric.contrib.files import append
append(" DATABASE_NAME = 'hello.db' ", "local_settings.py")
Search and replace
Use fabric's sed function to modify content of files
from fabric.contrib.files import sed
sed("local_settings.py", "^DEBUG = True$", "DEBUG = False")
Fabric decorators
hosts 定义那些host或hosts可以执行
roles 定义一个角色名称的list,用于查看host lists
runs_once 确保方法只运行一次
from fabric.api import run
env.hosts = [localhost]
env.user = 'djangodev'
def install_django():
run('workon myproject && pip install diango')
$fab install_django
1. 修正bugs和实现新的特征
2. git存档
3. 把文件从开发环境分期移到生产环境
4. 安装更新,重复使用apps,pypi,packages
5. 运行备份
6. 保持跟踪本地设置
7. 清空和预热缓存
8. 迁移数据库